PlanetWatch "Hodler bonus" level/rewards calculator

Details of the program can be seen on the PlanetWatch Hodler page. This calculator is simply for estimating purposes and obviously future network participation can alter the actual results. But, to help, default network participation numbers are being pulled from the most recent day's stats in the program.

Individual Participant Calculator

1) Enter numbers in the "grid" below to mark quantities of each sensor type you have/want under the appropriate tier.
2) Update the current Planets price if you are doing a "what-if" scenario for future value. Empty it or put in 0 to use current price.
3) Hit "Calculate" and look below the form for the details.

Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Planets Price

Network Participation Calculator

1) Replace numbers in the "grid" below to represent potential network participating quantities for each sensor type and tier.
2) If you click Clear Quantities on this side and hit Calculate, they will return to default values.
3) Hit "Calculate" and look below for the details.

Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Planets Per Share
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