Instructions/Notes (expand me)
* You can enter multiple wallets using commas or spaces or both.
* Page will remember last wallet(s) entered, so you can bookmark.
* Current/all days here based on EST timezone (where this server is).
* Earned, Bonus, and Required numbers are in 'planets'.
* Estimates on page based on previous averages/maximums during participation and are just basic math.
* The Type (T1-T4) columns have diamond/gold/silver quantities format for participation that day.
* !! column with an * means there is a known blockchain reporting issue that day.
* If your sensor counts are different for a day, I can't know if it was intentional or perhaps a down sensor... so required balance will be underreported if you didn't make hodler changes.
* Don't paste in your mnemonic phrase... it won't work as a wallet address and you should never do that anyways.
* On top of all this, I could have bugs I haven't found/fixed.